
The weather is a powerful force that can bring about significant changes, an unavoidable part of life. When it comes to business, these changes can either promote growth or lead to downfall. Therefore, it is vital to acknowledge the impact of weather, have a plan in place, and take appropriate action when necessary.



3/23/20242 min read

brown rabbit on green grass field during daytime
brown rabbit on green grass field during daytime

Have you ever noticed that you won't see a rabbit or squirrel before snowfall, even though you usually see them roaming around? This is because they have a natural ability to sense the upcoming weather changes more accurately than even Tom Skilling, the WGN news meteorologist. But can we, as humans, also develop the ability to predict the forthcoming business cycle like animals sense weather changes?

The business cycle has been observed throughout history and continues to repeat itself. The Great Depression, the financial crisis, and COVID-19 are big cycles occurring naturally and affecting all industries and economies. Consumer taste, public perception, and the inability to compete in the current market are examples of the microbusiness cycle. These cycles consist of growth, decline, and recovery stages, which businesses must go through to thrive. Similar to the changing of seasons throughout the year, acknowledging the existence of the business cycle is the first step to understanding it.

Businesses must plan for good and bad times in the business cycle to sustain their operations. While most companies have plans in place, they may hesitate to take action due to uncertainty or a lack of confidence in the plan or future. Ultimately, a business's success in implementing the right plan at the right time depends on the quality of management in the company. Good management increases the likelihood of timely and effective action.

Having the right culture within a business can attract better employees. In today's world, where transparency is becoming increasingly important and expected, people's opinions and actions are more visible. This means that when a situation arises, employees will act in a way that aligns with the company's values without always relying on their boss to guide them. While it's difficult to predict the ups and downs of any business, having a team of dedicated and competent employees is crucial to achieving success.

It's essential to recognize that the business cycle is a natural phenomenon, and no business or industry is immune to it. Even the most successful companies will experience periods of decline. However, by being aware of the cycle, companies can prepare for the inevitable downturns and take steps to mitigate their impact.

Rabbits may have a good sense of the weather but can't create a better society. Their lives revolve around basic needs such as food, sex, and the weather. Unlike rabbits, human beings are capable of more; therefore, those with a positive and determined mindset can overcome obstacles better than those with a negative attitude.

Although the business cycle is a series of ups and downs that all businesses experience, to succeed in the long run, every business must comprehend the cycle and its effects. By anticipating recessions and having the right people, businesses can endure the hardship and come out even stronger on the other side. But nothing is more important than having a tool called money.